The Noisy Body

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We all can make sounds with our body. We can sing, hum, clap or stomp. But, what about those noises our bodies make that we feel like we can’t control. Those funny, sometimes embarrassing noises. Read on to learn why we make those noises, and just maybe how to stop some of them.

1. Why does my stomach  growl? Click on  http://bit.ly/1tpRUxL to learn several reasons why your tummy might be making noises.

2.  What is that popping sound my joints make? Is it dangerous to crack your knuckles? Sometimes when we move a certain way, we hear a ‘pop’ from our bodies. Click here   http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-makes-the-sound-when/   to learn just what this sound is, and whether or not it is truly harmful.

3. Where does a sneeze come from? Check out this link   http://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/qa/sneeze.html  to read all about the art of the ahhh…chooo!

4. What makes us burp?  Click on http://www.livescience.com/32404-what-makes-us-burp.html to learn just why you burp.

5  Sometimes I snore when I sleep. Why? Check out http://nbcnews.to/1dvcdYZ  to learn why you may snore, and what you can do about it.

6. What causes farting? Click on http://bit.ly/1LFX2qV to read all about this embarrassing noise.

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Filed in: Biology

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