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Did you know that the fastest human can out-run an angry elephant? Or that the there is a marathon runner that is probably older than your great-grandparents? Let’s learn more about running.

1. Who is the fastest person in the world? Meet Usain Bolt from Jamaica at http://bitly.com/1VST8lJ who can run faster than you can ride a bike. He ran 100 meters in 9.58 seconds, which is about 23 MPH. See how this compares to other animals, at http://bit.ly/1XJTiKy.

2. What is the oldest marathon? The marathon started in Greece http://bit.ly/1F6YHH3, but one US city has a marathon that dates back to 1897. Can you guess which one?  http://es.pn/1RwTAzC.

3. T/F Can a 100 year-old-person run a marathon? Meet Fauja Singh, aka the “Turbined Tornado” http://bitly.com/230ALxd. He’s the oldest imagesman to complete a marathon.

4. What is the longest marathon?  The Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race takes 51 days to complete. What to try? Here’s the site http://bit.ly/1T5cGlS.

5. I’m a good runner, and I want some money. What’s the best race to enter? Try your luck at the Dubai Marathon http://www.dubaimarathon.org because you could win $200,000. Here’s how the different races compare http://bit.ly/1UhU0kk .


1. Find a race near you http://bit.ly/1iCyi3K

2. Play some running games http://bit.ly/1yK5vY4

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