Maker Faire

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A Maker Faire is like a circus mixed in with a county fair. They’re designed to “celebrate arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset.” The concept is spreading, in fact, we recently had a small one in our home town library. Let’s learn more.

1. When is the next big Maker Faire? At http://bitly.com/1IpApHu you’ll learn that one of the biggest will be near the headquarters of Make Magazine in San Mateo, CA on May 16-17. Tickets are $50.

2. Who is a maker? At Tweaktown http://bitly.com/1bWO3pl you learn that anyone can be a maker. You’ll also learn about Arduino boards, which are the brains behind many Maker projects.

aaaamake33. What do Maker Faires and pancakes have in common? At 3Dprint.com you can learn about a special printer that can print in pancake batter, on a frying pan.

4. Question: What do you get when you cross a maker with the White House?  Answer: At http://wapo.st/1bguMxT you can see how the White House Christmas Tree and Presidential dogs were affected by the Maker Movement.

5. Is there a maker faire near me?  There were 131 maker faires last year. Here’s where they are: http://makerfaire.com/map. Nothing listed near you? There’s one simple solution: Make your own! Here’s how: http://makerfaire.com/global/ Here are some failproof maker ideas for kids this summer.


1. Here are some projects for kids from http://makezine.com/kids

2. On CTR’s web site, we’ve made a page for Maker ideas. You can do the eggdrop, take apart an engine, make a lightbulb, or fly an old airplane, to name a few. Visit http://bitly.com/1EEBhqg


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Filed in: Art and Creativity, STEM, Technology

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