Transportation Tech

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Teachers and Librarians: download Transportation Tech as a one page, easy to print PDF.  

We all know how technology has changed toys and telephones.

But what about cars and trucks? Here are five amazing examples of how technology is changing the cars and trucks of the next generation.

1. A see-through truck? At http://onforb.es/1K7XUWa you can learn how Samsung engineers use large weatherproof outdoor LED video screens to make it safer to pass on two lane roads.

2. Here’s a motorcycle helmet that gives you “eyes in back of your head.” Skully is a $1300 motorcycle helmet http://bit.ly/1Gz6KX2 that has cameras that eliminate blind spots, as well as a bluetooth link to your smart phone.

3. A sensor that knows if you’re falling asleep. At http://bitly.com/1HW3VBv you can learn Seeing Machines designs cameras that watch your face for indications you are falling asleep. Take a nap and an alarm sounds.

4. Smart pavement that turns sunlight into electricity. At http://solarroadways.com/ you can learn how an engineer is working to make glass covered, LED embedded roads that can convert sunshine into power. They can also light up at night.

5. Collision detection. At http://bit.ly/1Bq60XE you can learn how cars are being equipped with sensors and broadcasters, that make it impossible to run into another car.


1 Find traffic accidents; ride in an electric car Next time you’re on a long trip, check the route first with Google Maps. Explore the options and you can see any traffic jams or accidents on your route. Here’s the link to New York City http://bitly.com/1OpeeBL

2. Test drive an all electric car. Here’s the website for Tesla, where you can request a test drive online http://bitly.com/1OpexfT

Here’s a set of hand picked videos from YouTube: http://bit.ly/1JPToYR


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Filed in: Science, STEM, Technology, Transportation

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