
Screen Shot 2013-01-02 at 8.49.19 AMIn 2012  a submarine called the Deepsea Challenger took explorer James Cameron to the deepest part of the ocean, more than seven miles down. Subs like his use some amazing technology. Did you know, for example, that a nuclear submarine can go for 30 years without refueling? It can also make it’s own air and drinking water! Want to learn more? No need to hold your breath. Here are some links and movies.

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1. Which is greater, the highest mountain or the deepest ocean? The ocean wins. If the highest mountain, Mount Everest, were placed on the floor of Challenger Deep (part of the Mariana Trench), there would still be over one mile of water piled on top, according to http://visual.ly/tallest-mountain-deepest-ocean-trench.  You can also see some satellite photos at Google Earth Blog.

2. When was the first American military submarine made?  The Turtle was built in 1775 to break the British naval blockade in the New York Harbor.

It had a hand-driven propeller. Learn more at the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division’s Submarine Technology Through the Years website.

3. TRUE/FALSE:  A submarine can go under the North Pole.  At subguru.com you learn about the Nautilus, a nuclear submarine that was the first to go under the North Pole.

4. How much does a submarine cost? At least as much as a very nice car, for even the cheapest model. At International VentureCraft Corporation  you can buy a Sportsub kit for about $50,000. You should know how to scuba dive before you use one.

APPLICATION: Does it float or sink?  At How Stuff Works.com, you can learn more about how subs use a “ballast” to go up or down (float or sink).  Get a ball of clay and put it in a bucket. It will sink. But make it into a hollow ball, and you can see how the same substance, of the same weight, will float.

Go inside a submarine.

There are 25 submarine museums located in the USA. First visit SubmarineMuseums.org and see if there’s one near you. Next, bug your mom or dad to take you.



Make a submarine.  If you’re really serious about your submarine experience, visit Submarineboat.com and get the instructions on how you can build your own working submarine.


Submarine Videos!  Visit Children’s Technology Review’s playlist (below), to view select YouTube videos based on topics in this month’s column.

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Filed in: Fun, Oceanography, Science, Technology Tags: 

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