
Skill Sharpeners

Put some thrill in the drill!

Subjects like math, reading and geography have more facts than MacDonalds has french fries.

It is good to practice these facts, and if you can have fun while you do, well, that’s all the better. Here’s a collection of free websites to put some thrill in the drill.


Hate math? Visit MATH DOODLES www.mathdoodles.com

Artist and computer programmer Daren Carstens loves math. He says “I am a lover of math…and interactive games and puzzles can make even the most advanced ideas understandable.” Daren designed Math Doodles to help you discover how fun and playful math can be. Hint: Try to race against the timer for your best time. Best for 2nd grade-up.



Are you a good profreader? Find out at THE EDUCATION PLACE


Six games let you pick your own grade level, and then practice spelling, reading and geography skills and facts. This site comes from a textbook publisher Houghton Mifflin. Don’t miss the brain teasers! Best for grades 1-5.



Practice parts of speech, with MAD LIBS


Give me a noun______. Now give me an adjective _____. Once you plug in about a dozen of these prompts, you’ll see your words, woven into a story. We can’t think of a better way to learn the parts of speech. For grades 2-up.


Give Your Brain some Fun, at FUNBRAIN www.funbrain.com

One of the oldest and best collections of free games has been helping millions of kids sharpen their skills over the years. This site has had many owners; the latest is Pearson Education, another textbook publisher. For grades 1-up.




Are you a geo-champ? Find out at GEOBEE!


Every year, thousands of kids compete to see who knows the most geography facts. To see how you rate, try one of the fast paced multiple choice tests at National Geographic Kids. For grades 4-9.

Filed in: Language, Math, Science, Spelling

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