Iconic Rock Structures

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One dark and stormy night this summer, on a Utah desert, “The Cobra” toppled and fell. It took millions of years to make, but just seconds to end. So we decided to learn more about some of the iconic rock formations around the world.

1. How did The Cobra fall?  At http://bit.ly/1omkDPh, you’ll learn that the most probable cause was a strong thunderstorm, but some think it was a lighting strike.

2. Did people climb The Cobra? Yes. Also, read more at http://bit.ly/1tZ4Tb1 to learn which rock formations are rated as the best climbs in North America.

3. How are rock arches created? The site for the Arches National Park http://1.usa.gov/1tZ4sxt nicely explains the five elements required to create an arch.

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4. What are some of the greatest man-made rock sculptures? Besides the Great Sphinx in Egypt (wikipedia page at http://bit.ly/1ja0aea) there’s Mt. Rushmore, http://bit.ly/1ckFOwL which is one of the most visited rock sculptures in North America. Also have a look at http://bit.ly/1pVA5I2 to see the Crazy Horse Memorial Monument, a work in progress which could be the world’s largest mountain sculpture.


Want to see more? At http://bit.ly/1lH5eNL view pictures of the various incredible rock formations found in the world today.manapupu-nyor-russia-matador-seo-940x626

Want to see a rock shaped like a giant wave? 

Here’s a set of hand picked videos from Youtube:

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Filed in: Earth Science, Geography, History, Uncategorized

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3 Responses to "Iconic Rock Structures"

  1. shane says:

    Clicking on the link to a solo rock climber in number 2 of this page lead to melanin trump port on the front page of the NY post.

    Page.  Earth Science Iconic Rock Structures

    Offending link. http://bit.ly/1lBQmSj

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