Oil Rigs


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Chances are, the gas in your mom or dad’s car came from some type of oil rig. The most interesting rigs are far out at sea, on giant platforms. They’re like mini cities with excercise rooms, helicopters and the Internet, but they’re designed for one thing: to pump oil. Here are some sites and videos for exploring these massive machines.

1. How big is the worlds largest offshore oil rig? One of the largest is called Berkut  http://bitly.com/1G6aHHT , located on the Russian coast north of Japan. Theoilrig $12 billion, 200,000-ton structure can suck up 4.5 million tons of hydrocarbons, in freezing conditions.

2. What is it like to live on an offshore oil rig? At Young Petro http://bit.ly/1MyAvhq  you can read about one day of life on an oil rig. It’s not so bad, but you don’t see any trees.

3. What if there’s a hurricane or an oil spill? Things can become scary on an oil rig during a big storm. See http://read.bi/19yGC6o  or read how they prepare http://cnb.cx/17VOezq. If there’s a spill, fast action is required http://www.oilspillsolutions.org/offshore.htm

4. How does an oil rig work? At How Stuff Works http://bitly.com/1BsXFld  you can see how oil rigs pump oil.

5. What types of oil rigs are there? There are many types of oil drilling rigs. Some are built secured to land, and some are floating. Click here to learn more about the many different types http://bit.ly/1Lcw7RT . To see just how many oil rigs there currently are, and just where they are located, see this amazing map http://bitly.com/1M0n5JP


1. Make your own model oil rig http://bit.ly/1BnCl1a

2. Visit a museum built on an actual oil rig http://bit.ly/1In1avI

3. Find an oil rig in Google Earth Google Maps http://bitly.com/18AHPKb

 Click here to watch some great videos 

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