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In case you’ve been stuck in an attic for the past five years, Minecraft is an online world that you can build, create and control all on your own.

Never heard of it? Here are some FAQs.

1. What is Minecraft? What do I need to play? Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, that you play on your Mac or Windows computer. You need an Internet connection, and parent’s permission. In this Washington Post story, you learn that it was made 2009, by the Swedish company called Mojang.

2. How much does it cost? There are two versions: classic and beta. Classic is more creative and free to use, while beta is the paid version ($27) with the adventure/survival modes. You can register at https://minecraft.net/. Make sure you read http://bit.ly/1k4kpQV to learn how to survive your first night online.

3. What is a Minecraft block? At http://bit.ly/1lxgI1H you can read about this basic unit of play. Blocks can be made of just about anything — like dirt, wood or stone or you can make your own.

minecraft bvlocks4. Help! I’ve come across a mob! What do I do? Mobs can be nice or mean. At http://bit.ly/JrYjaH can learn how to tell the difference. Check out http://bit.ly/19Ewp1E to see what the dangerous mobs are like, and how to beat them.

5. How does Minecraft end? Minecraft never ends, however, there is a way to ‘beat the game.’ We found a link at http://bit.ly/1hSBIQC that gives you step-by-step directions.

6. What do Minecraft and Great Britain have in common? At http://bit.ly/JrYzXk you can visit a version of a part of Great Britain that somebody made using 22 billion Minecraft blocks.


1. Minecraft is best for ages 8-up. But we found blog that lists ideas for younger kids, that include taming a pet or building a house, at http://bit.ly/JHP9qa.

2. Print some blueprints to make some Minecraft products, at http://bit.ly/1d47NAQ.  You’ll also need scissors and tape.


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Filed in: Art and Creativity, Fun, Logic, Technology

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3 Responses to "Minecraft"

  1. Jacynthe Blanchet says:


    the Print some blueprints to make some Minecraft products link is not working.
    Could you fix it?


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