Let’s Make Music

Let’s Make Music!

Do you sing in the shower or play the kazoo? You must be a music lover. Here are some super web sites filled with lots of music fun and games.


Compose a Tune!


Creating Music is a place where kids can compose music, experiment with tempo, or play with a musical sketchpad. There are games and puzzles, too. Morton Subotnik made this web site, and he knows a lot about kids and music.

Listen to a Tuba!


What better place to learn about music than the San Fransisco Symphony! At the SFS site, kids can learn about all the instruments of the orchestra and they can make their own synthesized music in the music lab. This is very cool!

Name that Tune!


Are you a sing-along or karaoke fan? This web site has the music and lyrics to hundreds of kids’ songs, and there’s also a fun “name that tune” game.

Filed in: Fun, Music

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