Ice Cream






Can you name the five most common ingredients found in all ice cream?
Do you know why ice cream can give you a headache?  Bring on the answers!


1. What’s the difference between ice cream and Gelato?

Gelato is a lot like ice cream, but it smoother and more gooey, because it contains more egg yolks (the yellow part of the egg) and less fat. Learn more at  http://bit.ly/I7HiW.


2. Why do I get a headache when I take a big bite of ice cream?

You may have “brain freeze.” According to KidsHealth.org, the roof of your mouth, called the palate, is full of nerves. When they feel something really cold, they send a rush of blood to your brain, causing your head to hurt. Don’t worry, its not dangerous and it goes away as soon as your mouth warms up. To avoid it, just take smaller licks.


3. I’ve noticed that ice cream stores and cafeterias have giant soft serve ice cream machines. I want one in my house! How much do they cost?

A lot. There’s a lot to these machines, including a freezing system, mixer, pumps and valves. One machine can easily cost as much as $8,000. Learn more at SaniServ.


4. T/F Is it possible to make ice cream and play soccer at the same time?

True! The Play & Freeze ice cream maker is like a rolling ice cream mixer and freezer. After you fill it up the center with your egg/sugar/cream mixture, you fill the outside with salt and ice, seal it up, and roll it around. You can buy one at Walmart for $25 http://bit.ly/qyPYZ7. See other models at http://www.icecreamrevolution.com.


5. Which is stronger, a waffle cone or a sugar cone?

The answer is in this video http://youtu.be/_f7-Eq4H0D8, but if you said sugar cone, you’d be right!


6. Which two ingredients are not found in ice cream?
a) Eggs
b) Cream
c) Sugar
d) Flour
e) Ice

Answer: D and E. There is no ice in ice cream! There is no flour, either. Ice is used only to freeze the sweet mixture. At Teachnet.com, you’ll learn how the salt and ice combine to create lower than freezing temperatures. But, the salt and ice never touch the actual ice cream.


7. Here’s more!

Take a quiz, at http://www.factmonster.com/quizzes/icecream/1.html

Recipe for No-Cooking Vanilla Ice Cream:
Want to make your own ice cream? It’s pretty tricky, so ask your parents
first. You can see some recipes here http://bit.ly/I7HiW or watch the video below.

Ice Cream Recipe – makes 1 ½ pints.

2 eggs                                                    1 ½ cups whole or 2% milk
¾ cup sugar                                            2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 cups of whipping cream                         A pinch of salt
Mix the eggs really fast (whisk) until they’re light and fluffy and add the sugar a bit at a time (keep mixing!) Now add the cream, milk, and vanilla. Mix some more. Put the mixture in a small zip lock bag, and place in a large zip lock bag full of a salt and ice. Start stirring for 15 to 30 minutes (check to see how it is freezing). You can also use a commercial ice cream mixer — its a lot easier! Mix in fruit or candy for variety.


8. Still want more?

Visit Children’s Technology Review’s playlist (http://www.youtube.com/user/childrenstech#grid/user/934102DE83099A90), to view select YouTube videos based on topics in this month’s column.


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