Ice Cream

ice cream coneJuly is National Ice Cream month. Do you know what ice cream is  made out of? Why do you get a headache when you eat it too fast?

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1. What’s the most popular ice cream flavor?  At the Food Channel http://bit.ly/19KiXxW you find the results of two surveys. The top flavor is 3 times more popular than the others! Can you say what it is? We’ve hidden the answer somewhere on this page.

2. What does ice cream have in common with liquid nitrogen? Go to http://bit.ly/11SVOEs to find out how Dipping Dots are made. You have to use liquid nitrogen, which is -40 degrees Celsius. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ3f03WamRA to see a guy make his own, but know that it is very dangerous to be around liquid nitrogen.benjerrys

3. What’s it look like inside an ice cream factory? At http://bit.ly/158oMRs/ you follow one of Pardha Pothana’s Pinterest boards that has photos inside ten ice cream factories that offer public tours. See if there’s one close to you. Most tours include samples.

4. Why does ice cream give me brain freeze? Is it dangerous?  According to Kids Health http://bit.ly/18oGMKt, the roof of your mouth, called the palate, is full of nerves. When these nerves sense something really cold, they send a rush of blood to your brain, causing your head to hurt. Don’t worry, it goes away as soon as your mouth warms up. To avoid it, take smaller licks.

5. T/F Is it possible to make ice cream and play soccer at the same time? True! There is an ice cream maker that is designed to be kicked like a soccer ball. After you fill up the center with your egg/sugar/cream mixture, you fill the outside with salt and ice, seal it up, and roll it around. You can buy one at Walmart for $25 at http://bit.ly/qyPYZ7.

6. What’s the tallest ice cream cone ever made?  71 scoops, according to the Guinness World Records site http://bit.ly/1b0zQT9. The record was achieved by Dimitri Panciera (Italy), in Forno di Zoldo, Italy, on 22 July 2012.sw_biggest_ice_cream_nt_120702_wblog

7. What country holds the record for the biggest tub of ice cream?  Iran. The Al Arabiya Network http://bit.ly/14Ho8bf reports that Choopan Dairy made a five ton tub of chocolate ice-cream. The biggest ice cream cone, made of real ice cream, was created in the UK. Read more at http://www.thebraiser.com/heston-blumenthal-ice-cream/


Want to make some ice cream?

Here’s a recipe from http://bit.ly/I7HiW for vanilla ice cream.

Make sure to ask your parents; and remember you need an ice cream freezer. Watch along, at http://youtu.be/zOlx9QclMns Makes 1 ½ pints.

• 2 eggs

• 1 ½ cups whole or 2% milk

• ¾ cup sugar

• 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

• 2 cups of whipping cream

Wisk, and then freeze



1. Vanilla, 29%

2. Chocolate, 8.9%

3. Butter pecan, 5.3%

4. Strawberry, 5.3%

 Still want more?

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Filed in: Food, Fun

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