Halloween Costumes






There’s nothing more fun than dressing up for halloween. But what if you don’t have a lot of time or money? Don’t worry. The Internet is full of solutions. All it takes is some cardboard boxes, a trip to the thrift store, some duct tape, and a dose of creativity. Whichever costume you choose, stay safe and have fun!

1. Be an airplane!

At Family Fun magazine, you can find a listing of dozens of costume ideas, complete with step-by-step instructions for making them. To be a walking airplane, find an old computer box, tape on some wings, and touch it up with metallic spray paint or aluminum foil. Here are the complete instructions: http://bit.ly/innv1. If you want more ideas, see the Family Fun List, at http://bit.ly/prcJi.

 no IDEAS fun than dressing up for halloween. But what if you don’t have a lot of time or money? Don’t worry. The Internet is full of solutions. All it takes is some cardboard boxes, a trip to the thrift store, some duct tape, and a dose of creativity. Whichever costume you choose, stay safe and have fun!

 nothing more fun than dressing up for halloween. But what if you don’t have a lot of time or money? Don’t worry. The Internet is full of solutions. All it takes is some cardboard boxes, a trip to the thrift store, some duct tape, and a dose of creativity. Whichever costume you choose, stay safe and have fun!

There’s nothing more fun than dressing up for halloween. But what if you don’t have a lot of time or money? Don’t worry. The Internet is full of solutions. All it takes is some cardboard boxes, a trip to the thrift store, some duct tape, and a dose of creativity. Whichever costume you choose, stay safe and have fun!

2. How do I make fake blood?

That’s easy. Nothing makes a costume more gruesome than a bit of blood. Mix red food coloring with corn syrup, and then thicken with a bit of cornstarch or flour. The effect is blood-chilling! More ideas are at http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Fake-Blood.






3. Help! I’m in a wheelchair (or, I have crutches)!

Not to worry! At http://www.mda.org/publications/quest/q55hallo.html you can see photos of wheelchairs as race cars, ghosts and bulldozers.






4. I really like computers, and I want to be a geek this year. Any ideas?

Visit http://www.zoogstercostumes.com/landing/geek.php, and look through their collection of geek-themed costumes. The good news is that they’re not very hard to put together. Just put on an old suit and tie and you can be PC Guy, as long as you can find Mac Guy (or vice-versa) to walk around with.





5. Give me more cheap ideas!

At http://www.robinsfyi.com/holidays/halloween/costumes.htm, you can find information on how to make a costume from scraps — such as bedsheets or toilet paper. Better yet, trade costumes with someone else from last year, or visit a thrift store to pick up an old wig or exotic dress, for pennies.






6. Is there a thrift store near me?

Most likely. Yard sales and thrift stores can be a great inspiration for low-cost costumes. You can find props like canes, hats, wigs, glasses and fancy jewelry. Go into the store with an open mind — you never know what you’ll find, or how it might inspire ideas. Also, make sure you don’t overspend! You can do this by going in the store with only $10. Just type the name of your town and “thrift store” into a search engine. A directory of Goodwill stores can be found at http://locator.goodwill.org, and The Salvation Army stores at http://bit.ly/ESXdu.






7. Hey, what about my pup?

Any dog costume ideas? For this, we turned to YouTube, where we found hundreds of ideas — for both people and dogs (see below). All you need is an imagination and a good-natured canine. If you have a cat, lots of luck. Search terms: “halloween, dog, costume.”

8. Never put anything in your eyes! Staying safe at Halloween.

At the Center for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/family/halloween/ you can review some basic safety tips, like make sure your mask doesn’t block your vision, Trick-Or-Treat in groups, and make sure to wear reflective tape or clothing that a driver can see. Also, the Food and Drug Administration has some advice, such as avoiding colored contact lenses (above), and don’t go to bed with makeup on. Read more at http://bit.ly/2XHDVa.



Filed in: Art and Creativity, Fun

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