Inventing the Future

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Computer scientist Alan Kay once said the best way to predict the future is to invent it. If this is true, what are inventors currently working on? Fasten your seat belts, because we’ve found some amazing examples, like flying cars and electric jets — powered by solar roads. There’s even a group working on a Mars colony. Here are some sites and videos worth exploring.

1. We’ll live on another planet. Mars makes three things hard — breathing, eating and not freezing. Engineers at Mars One have a solution. Visit http://www.mars-one.com to see what it might look like to live on Mars someday.

2. We’ll “fly” a car. This New York Times article http://nyti.ms/2p48kQR describes a company that has created flying car/boat vehicle, and the people who are investing in the idea. Currently they can only fly over water, but soon you might take one to school.

3. We’ll ride in an electric powered airplane. Electric cars are an old idea. But airplanes? Learn about the E-Fan from Airbus at bitly.com/2prxMlU that has already been able to fly across the English channel.

4. We’ll swallow a robot. We found a pill-sized robot that you swallow. It then unfolds inside your stomach and fixes things. After it finishes, it simply dissolves. Learn more at bitly.com/2p1Mzjv

5. We’ll see the beauty of math. Computers are helping mathematical artists like John Edmark create hypnotic patterns using geometry and something called the “golden angle.” See some examples, at bitly.com/2prUrhO

Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 11.47.59 AMAPPLICATION: DESIGN YOUR OWN TESLA

How far can you drive an electric car before the battery dies? How long does it take to charge? The answers depend on many things, like if you are using the air conditioner or if you are going up hills. Visit Tesla’s site where you can design a car and or try out different simulators. In case you were wondering, most Teslas can go 265 miles on an overnight charge, and it costs about $10 to “fill up the tank.” That’s about 4 cents per mile. Learn more at https://www.tesla.com/models

Try this month’s YouTube playlist! You’ll find a set of hand-picked videos that show these ideas in action. Here’s the link.

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Filed in: Astronomy, Energy, Robots, Technology, Transportation

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