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September 26th is Johnny Appleseed day. Just how did Mr. Appleseed get his own day?  The answer comes from Folklore, a form of storytelling passed from one generation to the next. If you have access to the Internet, you can find all kinds of folklore. Let’s start clicking!

1. Show me some folklore. Visit this amazing D. L. Ashliman’s collection of online stories at http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/folktexts.html

2. What do Disney and folklore have in common? It turns out Walt Disney was really into folklore, and he based many of his projects on these fairy tale stories. See the complete list here, on Wikipedia. http://bitly.com/2c8PLVy

3. Are there apps made from folklore? One company, Nosy Crow in the UK is the clear leader in this category. Read about how they make apps and listen to Kate Wilson talk about the process. Here’s a CTREX listing of their apps http://bit.ly/2bSAKt9

4. Where else does folklore exist? Folklore exists all around the world. To check out some famous stories of folklore from other countries, click here http://bit.ly/2bRzV4E

5. Can I listen to Folklore? We found a collection of audio recordings, at the Library of Congress. http://bitly.com/2bBvkVC. Here’s a direct link to one of the stories, from the dust bowl in the 1940s, http://bitly.com/2bBv0pP Application: Write a folklore story, using these writing tools, at http://bit.ly/2bM1KJq

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Filed in: History, Language

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