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Do-It-Yourself (which is also known as DIY) has extremely popular these days. But what does that mean, exactly? To some people it might involves electronics, to others it’s cookie dough. Here are some DIY activities that are great for kids of all ages.


1. Plant a pine tree. Few things can make a bigger mark on the world than the simple act of planting a seed, especially if it’s a tree. First find a pine cone. Next learn how to get the seeds from the cone. They’ll need to be stored until next January, when it is a good time to plant bitly.com/2zYC32k. Next review these nine steps bitly.com/2huXVLV. Once your tree has grown up, go to #2

2. Build a Treehouse. At https://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Treehouse you can find step by step instructions for building a treehouse, from finding the right tree, to making the right plans.

3. Make Chocolate Chip Cookies. First lets visit a cookbook and get a recipe bitly.com/2ymzdIe. Next watch a YouTube video and hit pause for each step. Here are two kids who are good to follow www.youtube.com/watch?v=T71NlacyVp0

4. Make a holiday decoration First lets get some ideas from Pintrest bitly.com/2zZljbh. Next let’s visit Parents magazine to see some step-by-step ornament ideas http://www.parents.com/holiday/christmas/crafts/

5. Decorate a plate Start with a white ceramic plate, and then find some special markers. We found a site with step-by-step instructions for making https://www.homedit.com/diy-baked-sharpie-plates/


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Filed in: Art and Creativity

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