Cruise Ships

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What’s four times bigger than the Titanic and can carry almost 8,000 people? Here are some sites and videos to help you learn more about some amazing vacation machines, also known as cruise ships.

1. Can you name the world’s largest cruise ship?  At http://bit.ly/1y8jyFq you can see facts and pictures of the two largest ships: Allure of the Seas and Oasis of the Seas. Both are 300 ft longer than the Titanic and four times heavier. Each can house, feed and entertain 7,800 people. Here’s a list of the 11 largest ships http://read.bi/1B0QFMw, plus a link to news about a third giant ship in production http://bitly.com/1z5O6EE.cruise1

2. What does an elephant and a cruise ship have in common? At http://bit.ly/1oDKARR you’ll learn that both can carry you at about the same speed, but an elephant is a lot less fun to ride.

3. What kind of mileage does a cruise ship get?  At http://bitly.com/1z5NHlz you learn that a large cruise ship goes about 50 ft per gallon, and it burns about 26,700 gallons of fuel each day it is used.

4. What can a child do on a cruise ship? At http://bitly.com/1tqP3DW and http://bit.ly/1tzp9wL you can see a list activities for children that includes bowling, water slides, bumper cars, surfing simulators and outdoor movies. cruiseparkOn some theme cruises, you can meet characters from Shrek, Nick Jr. and Dr. Seuss.

5. What’s it like to be the Captain of a cruise ship? At http://ab.co/1tqPrlG you can meet a cruise ship captain and find out what it takes to become one. You’ll learn the job is a lot more about managing, and a lot less about steering.


1. TRACK A SHIP Want to see where the Oasis of the Sea is — right now? Use the Vessel Finder which shows the ship’s current location on a map. http://bitly.com/15LnSyt

2. BUILD A CRUISE SHIP IN MINECRAFT At http://youtu.be/ux8EyVBRkBA you can take a tour of a cruise ship created entirely in Mincraft.

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Filed in: Earth Science, Oceanography, Technology, Transportation

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