
Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 2.41.29 PM What is chocolate made out of? How big is the world’s largest chocolate bar? What’s the difference between white chocolate and dark chocolate? Let’s explore this sweet, wonderful substance.

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1. What is chocolate’s magic ingredient? At the National Confectioners Association http://bit.ly/1qOiLA4 you learn that chocolate typically contains sugar and milk. But the stuff that makes it special is cocoa, which comes from aCacao-pod-k4636-14 seed that grows inside a fruit, on a delicate, flower-covered tree. These beans are ground up to make cocoa power.

2. Where are cocoa beans grown? Only in the tropics. At this fancy chocolate store, http://bit.ly/1oq9uP5 you can find a list of countries where it is warm enough to grow chocolate beans.

3. How big is the world’s largest chocolate bar? How about one that’s 13 feet long, and wide? Here’s a news article about the world’s largest bar of chocolate http://bit.ly/1gWzfWbr. It was made in an English chocolate factory.giantchocoloate

4. Can chocolate can make you happy? Yes. At http://cnn.it/1sKPjCv you can read about how it releases brain chemicals called endorphins, which may help you feel happy.

5. Can you name the three main types of chocolate?  At http://bit.ly/YCvzmZ you’ll learn to tell the different between dark, milk and white chocolate. But there are more varieties. Learning them all will require plenty of sampling, of course.


1. Make some of your own milk chocolate. Find a grown-up that likes chocolate and follow this step-by-step tutorial on how to make chocolate in your own kitchen- http://bit.ly/1ywR6O4cocoa-beansIngredients3

1. Visit Hershey Park, PA You can celebrate chocolate at http://bit.ly/1vr39I9, which includes a chocolate factory, and ride chocolate-themed roller coasters.

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