

Do you like to build with blocks? If so, you would like how cathedrals are made. Imagine if your blocks were made of stone, and a king asked you to make the most beautiful cathedral in the world. What would it look like?

1. Why did people build cathedrals? To show off. At the Durham World Heritage Site you learn how the construction of a monumental cathedral helped to impress visitors. It also gave the town a place to bury important people, and pay respect to a religion. Learn more at http://bitly.com/2vvXAzl

2. What does Gothic mean? Why are cathedrals often called gothic?  It’s another way to say “fancy.” The word originated from the Goths, a German tribe in Europe, who celebrated ornate, decorative design. Telltale signs of Gothic construction include statues, high ceilings, stained glass and pointed arches, all commonly used in cathedrals. Read more at http://bitly.com/2vFMnfT

3. What kind of stone are most cathedrals made of? Mostly limestone, which is easy to cut and carve, and can stand up to the weather. Most limestone was cut from ancient seabeds. Marble and other gemstones were used on the inside floor and for decorations. Read more at http://bitly.com/2PFromm

4. Because cathedrals are made of stone, they are fireproof, right? No. Wooden timbers are also often part of the construction, especially in the area above the dome. These huge wooden beams can burn quickly, which is why a terrible fire started in the Notre-Dame cathedral. See the results of the fire, at https://nyti.ms/2PJf8kL

5. Can cathedrals be digitized? Yes. A USA professor named Andrew Tallon used drones and lasers to make digital maps of the Notre Dame cathedral before the fire. Sadly he Dr. Tallon died last fall, making is work an important legacy to him, as it is used by the future builders who will try to restore the famous cathedral. Read more at http://bitly.com/2PHoxsY


Can you build a model cathedral? You can with this $55 block set https://amzn.to/2PHmLrO or take a class from Thomas Davies Clay, who makes cathedral Models. See his site at http://www.cathedralquest.com/index.html

Cathedrals on YouTube

Want more? Here’s a video playlist


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Filed in: Art and Creativity, Geography, History

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