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They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Is it true? Do you know how many varieties of apples are there, or how Apple computers got their name? Let’s find out!



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1. How many varieties of apples are there? Which is the most popular? At http://bit.ly/1OdLQb8 you will learn that there are over 2000 types! To see the most popular 11 types, check out http://bit.ly/2dvMyTZ (the top three are the Cortland, Red Delicious and Golden Delicious)

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2. T/F is it true that “and apple a day will keep the doctor away?” Apples actually can help your health. Apples are low in calories and free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. Eating apples has been associated with lower risk of a variety of cancers, stroke and diabetes. Learn more at http://bitly.com/2cMMLSv

3. Where did the first apple come from? Apple trees have been feeding humans for a long, long time. Visit the History Channel to learn more about how apples came to the United States. http://bitly.com/2dlxgSW.

4. What is the largest apple ever picked? We found an apple in Japan that grew to be the size of a small pumpkin, at just over 4 pounds. Here’s the source http://bit.ly/2cWsgAT.

5. Why did Steve Jobs pick an Apple to name his company? It happened when he was trying an all fruit diet, and had just come back from an apple farm. He thought the name “Apple Computer” sounded “fun, spirited and not intimidating.” http://bitly.com/2dqyjx8


1. Do you like to cook? Here are some apple recipes. http://bit.ly/2d3mWLe.

2. Do you like to make crafts? Here are some ideas http://bit.ly/2d3oGUG

3. Have you ever bobbed for apples? It looks a lot easier than it is! http://bit.ly/2dlMRxd


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Filed in: Biology, Food

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