Amazing Incredible Dogs

Amazing Incredible



Fetch your browser and mouse, ’cause we’re gonna dig up some amazing goodies about dogs. Even if you’re an old dog expert, you’ll learn something new.

How many eyelids does a dog have?
a) None. Dogs don’t have eyelids, silly.
b) Two. I know, because they blink like a human.
c) Three. There’s one that you can barely see.
d) Six.

At http://www.loveyourdog.com/facts.html, you learn that besides the normal upper and lower eyelids, your dog has a special eyelid called a “haw”. it is located inside of the other two, and helps protect their eye from dirt and dust. So, if you picked (c), you were correct, but just for one eye. Because dogs have two eyes, the correct answer is (d) six. See also http://www.mvol.co.uk/elmhousevets/doginfo/eye/eye.vm to determine if your dog’s eyes are irritated, as shown in the picture to the left (from www.thatmutt.com).






True or False: Dogs can tell if someone has cancer by sniffing their breath.

At http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/01/0112_060112_dog_cancer.html, you learn how dogs can be trained to sniff out some forms of cancer. The answer is true.






Can my poodle be a police dog?

Nope. Breed matters. Usually only Bloodhounds and German Shepherds are trained as police dogs. See http://www.mpnnow.com/archive/x1722732815/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-police-dogs to learn about how the police choose dogs for active duty.





What is the world’s longest dog tongue?

Meet Brandy the Boxer, whose 17-inch-long tongue is “The Longest Dog Tongue in the
World”, according to http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/long406.html. And it’s still growing! Watch the YouTube video below.

Is a dog smart enough to dial 911?

At http://www.dogguide.net/25-hero-dogs.php, you can read short stories of 25 heroic dogs, including Belle, a beagle who literally bit “911″ into her owner’s cell phone after he collapsed from a seizure. That’s amazing!






How long can a dog live?

It is rare for a dog to live more than 15 years. But at http://www.citizenlunchbox.com/famous/dogs/adjutant.html, you can learn about one dog that lived for 27 years.







How long can a dog live?

It is rare for a dog to live more than 15 years. But at http://www.citizenlunchbox.com/famous/dogs/adjutant.html, you can learn about one dog that lived for 27 years.



Filed in: Animals

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