Amazing Apples

Amazing Apples




With the crisp fall weather comes the joy of fresh apples. And, we’re not talking about computers. so, this month’s Internet scavenger hunt will let you learn more about a fruit that we often take for granted.



How many kinds of apples are there, and which is the most popular?

Find out at http://www.allaboutapples.com/varieties/index.htm. From the Albany Beauty to the Zestar, you might be amazed to learn that there are about 7500 varieties of apples grown around the world. Over 2000 of these grow in the USA, and they go by names like Pineapple, Horneburger Pancake, Rambo, Red Baron and Smokehouse. The most popular Apple type is (drumroll) the Red Delicious.






What country and state grows the most apples?

Find out at http://www.fas.usda.gov/htp/Hort_Circular/2002/02-11/Apple.htm. Back in the 1980s, farmers in China planted millions of apple trees, to overtake the United States as the world’s leading apple producer. The top five apple producing U.S. states are Washington, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania and California.















How long is the world’s longest apple peel?

Find out at http://www.nyapplecountry.com/funfacts.htm. The world’s longest single continuous apple peel was created — very carefully — by Kathy Wafler Madison (age 16) on October 16, 1976. It measured 172 feet, 4 inches long.








How big is the world’s heaviest apple?

Find out at http://www.tinyurl.com/32lk9n. According to Guiness Book Of World Records, in 2005, Chisato Iwasaki of Japan grew an apple that weighted just over four pounds. That’s the size of a pumpkin!








Does apple skin contain wax?

Yes, according to http://www.bestapples.com/facts/facts_waxing.shtml. Apples have their own waxy skin for protection which is why they shine so nicely. But that wax can be washed off, so many growers add more artificial wax — about a drop per apple — to help them stay fresh longer. This wax is called carnauba or shellac and is non-petroleum based, so it won’t hurt if you eat it.








How do you make applesauce?

Cooking with apples can be easy. We found this recipe at http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/recipes/recipes/applesauce.html:
1) Peel two apples and cut them into pieces.
2) With the help of a parent or teacher, put the apple pieces, along with 2 spoonfuls of lemon juice into a blender; blend until the mixture is very smooth.
3) Pour the mixture into two small bowls and stir in some sugar and cinnamon.
4) Enjoy!



Filed in: Biology

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