Action Cameras

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Want to see what it looks like when you jump out of an airplane? Thanks to a new generation of cheap, rugged digital cameras it’s easy to find some amazing views, including the view from the back of a bird. Let’s learn these cameras, and watch some amazing videos.

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 9.51.22 PM1. Who invented the GoPro? Meet Nick Woodman, a surfer in search of a better way to capture his rides. He tells the story that led to his invention at http://bit.ly/1pozQHB.

2. Can you put your action camera inside a washing machine?  You bet! They have no moving parts and waterproof cases. We found more crazy uses for action cams, including the view from a hula hoop, at http://bit.ly/213Nqy4

3. How far can an Action Camera fall, and still survive? At https://youtu.be/aU-KvtA20v8 you can see what happens when a camera falls out of an airplane.

4. How much does an Action Camera cost?  Here are two options that vary in price. Both save their videos on tiny micro SD cards that cost about $20 for 64 GB (about 2 hours of HD video).

  1. Kidizoom Action Cam ($50, VTech) comes with a waterproof container. You won’t get HD footage, but you won’t pay as much either. See http://bitly.com/1W2yVLb
  2. The GoPro Hero 4 Silver ($350, GoPro) is the most famous action camera. Most of the videos you see on YouTube were captured with this camera http://bitly.com/1TqWdV2.

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Filed in: Science, Sports, Technology, Toys, Uncategorized

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