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“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States… With these words, you become President of the United States.

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Is this a job you’d like? How much do you get paid? Can anyone run for president? Here are some answers!

1. How old do you have to be to run for President? A) 53 years old B) 64 years old C) 18 years old D) 35 years old Answer: D) 35 years old. At http://bit.ly/1sAwEJp , you’ll learn that the President and the Vice President must meet three requirements. They must be at least 35 years old, be a natural-born U.S. citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

2. How much does a president get paid per year? At http://read.bi/2eFQu3p, you’ll learn that President Obama is earning $400,000 a year. To see how much the presidents have earned throughout the years, check out http://abt.cm/2fcbtN2.

3. True or False: Two Presidents had pet alligators in the White House. True. At http://bit.ly/1eJnQDU, you can find out which two Presidents had pet alligators. Learn more about presidential pets at http://bit.ly/2e7aJVc .

4. What’s the latest news from the 2016 campaign? At http://bit.ly/2ej6EhP, a group of kid reporters are following the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns. While you’re on the site, try the “You’re the President” game at http://bit.ly/1UcZtE9.


1. How well do you know the Presidents? Try this quiz http://bit.ly/2eD3a9u

2. Try making Ronald Reagan’s favorite mac and cheese. It’s delicious, and here’s the recipe http://bit.ly/2eD61PG4.

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Filed in: History

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